Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus

CARE embraces the humanitarian, development and peace nexus, to improve the impact of its work. We therefore facilitate linkages between our humanitarian, development and peace & security work. Our nexus projects include disaster risk reduction activities and approaches to promote peace.

Ontheemde Somalische vrouw met kinderen in noodopvang

Disaster Risk Reduction

CARE works with vulnerable communities to increase awareness of and preparedness for the risks they face, for example, through the establishment of early warning systems and the development of disaster response plans. Simultaneously, we support communities to look for ways to prevent shocks and stresses from happening. Examples of interventions include rehabilitation of degraded land and working with communities and authorities to set up resource management plans.

Key resources

  • CARE uses a landscape approach for disaster risk reduction, facilitating an inclusive and participatory process for shared risk understanding and risk intervention scenario planning purposes.

Promoting Peace

CARE uses a range of approaches to promote peace, and prevent and address the root causes of conflict. We apply economic approaches to enhance social cohesion, improve community integration and develop the economic infrastructure of fragile communities. We address harmful social constructions of masculinities by engaging with men and boys to reflect on their role in the resolution of disputes. We also work with peace committees and peace clubs to create dialogue and discussion spaces as dispute resolution mechanisms that complement the justice system.

Key resources

  • CARE’s Peacebuilding Toolbox, describes a wide range of approaches to promote peace, and prevent and address the root causes of conflict,
  • CARE’s Gender, Peace and Conflict Manual explores the link between gender, peace and conflict, with specific attention to gender based violence and peacebuilding.
  • CARE developed a Peacebuilding Manual and Picture Book for peace clubs and peace committees in South Sudan, which enables them to help resolve and prevent violent conflict.