Het belang van nalatenschappen aan goede doelen: een blijvende impact

Nalatenschappen aan goede doelen spelen een belangrijke rol in het ondersteunen van maatschappelijke initiatieven en het realiseren van positieve veranderingen. Door een deel van je vermogen na te laten aan een goed doel, kan je jouw impact vergroten en een blijvende erfenis achterlaten. Het is een krachtig instrument om de wereld een betere plek te maken, zelfs nadat we er fysiek niet meer zijn.

Nalaten heeft blijvende impact

Terwijl andere vormen van donaties eenmalig zijn, bieden nalatenschappen jaren of zelfs generaties lang voordelen. Jouw idealen en passies leven op deze manier voort en blijven een positieve invloed uitoefenen, zelfs na je overlijden.

Het versterken van goede doelen

Nalatenschappen kunnen goede doelen voorzien van financiële stabiliteit op de lange termijn. Hierdoor kunnen organisaties beter plannen en uitvoeren, lange termijn doelen nastreven, innovatieve initiatieven ontwikkelen en duurzame verandering bewerkstelligen.

De bevordering van maatschappelijke verandering

Nalatenschappen aan goede doelen hebben het potentieel om belangrijke maatschappelijke vooruitgang te stimuleren. Door bij te dragen aan organisaties die werken aan onderwijs, gezondheidszorg, armoedebestrijding, milieu, kunst en cultuur en andere belangrijke sectoren, draag je bij aan een rechtvaardigere, gezondere en inclusievere samenleving.

Nalaten aan een goed doel geeft persoonlijke voldoening

Het nalaten van een deel van je vermogen aan een goed doel heeft niet alleen maatschappelijke invloed, maar geeft ook persoonlijke voldoening. Het besef dat je een positieve impact maakt en je waarden voortzet, geeft een diepgaand gevoel van vervulling geven.

Praktische overwegingen en deskundig advies

Het opnemen van een goed doel in je nalatenschap vereist enige planning en overweging. Raadpleeg een notaris voor deskundig advies bij het opstellen van een testament dat aan jouw wensen voldoet, rekening houdend met juridische en fiscale aspecten.

In onze brochure vind je praktische informatie over het opstellen van een testament waarin, naast jouw dierbaren, ook plaats is voor een goed doel. Daarnaast vertelt de brochure meer over ons werk. 

Zou je meer willen weten over nalatenschappen? Via onze nalatenschappen pagina vind je meer praktische informatie over nalaten aan CARE Nederland. Je kunt ook direct contact opnemen met onze relatiemanager bijzondere giften, Marloes de Bruijn, via e-mail: mdebruijn@carenederland.org of telefoon: +31 (0) 6 273 94520.

Laten we een blijvende impact creëren en de wereld een betere plek maken, voor nu en voor de komende generaties.

© Karin Schermbrucker

BACKGROUND: These photos were taken as part of the Feed Her Future campaign (www.feedherfuture.ca), which ran publically from June 2018 to August 2020. CARE Canada established the Feed Her Future public engagement campaign to build awareness about the importance of giving women and girls’ access to proper nutrition, through the lens and learning of the Southern African Nutrition Initiative (SANI).

Campaign key message: CARE Canada believes that empowering women and girls starts with the recognition of and respect for their rights, including their right to food. How people use, share and grow their food affects their community’s ability to grow and prosper. Our goal is to uncover the social and gender norms that are affecting women’s access to nutrition so women and girls are empowered to create sustainable change for their future.

Campaign tactics: Feed Her Future was primarily an online campaign, however it also engaged in workshops, conferences, public events and spaces (e.g. Farmer’s Markets and street outreach) to share the campaign messaging with Canadians. A key campaign strategy for online engagement was the “Video Project”, which produced human-interest videos and photos from the SANI project for the first and final year of the campaign.

PURPOSE: These photos were taken during the final trip (Feb.13-23, 2020) by the CARE Canada Public Engagement Officer and videographer consultants (Slingshot Media) into the SANI project countries for collection of video footage. Although the first video trip (Sept/Oct 2018) was to collect a wide range of (baseline) video and photographic footage showing the project on the ground in all three project countries, the current trip was focused on specific desired video outcomes, and it involved travel to Zambia only. All completed campaign videos (from both trips) are available at the campaign Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8LAwVdJOvbUQoUjjWAvc6w


  • Tanja Kisslinger (Knowledge Translation & Public Engagement Officer, CARE Canada)
  • Timothy Henny (Videographer, Slingshot Media)
  • Karin Schermbrucker (Photographer, Slingshot Media)


  • Collect key footage, both video and photographic, from the field which can be used in Year 3 (the final year) of the campaign to show SANI in practice, and show progress from Year 1.
  • Collect human-interest stories, quotes, photos and video that demonstrate SANI project progress and deepens the connection of Canadians to life in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.

DAY ONE: This specific set of photos was collected on DAY ONE (Feb.18, 2020) of our THREE field days (Feb.18-20, 2020). On this day we visited Chasosa Village in Shiwang’andu District, Zambia. Specifically:

  • We began by visiting the Chipindo Primary School where a SANI borehole had been constructed. We photographed and filmed some of the school children using the water point and also playing on the grounds. We also met and photographed a 27-year old man named Emmanuel Mwamba who appeared, by chance, to obtain water from the borehole for his household about 1km away. Spotting Emmanuel using the borehole was a huge opportunity for us, as it demonstrated at least some degree of normative change in the community – it’s traditionally a “female chore” to fetch water, and SANI has been working hard to address harmful gender norms in each project country which affect women and girl’s access to good nutrition.
  • We interviewed 28-year old Jane Mutale, a SANI Lead Farmer, at her homestead. She showed us her goats, and we met her daughter and husband. Jane’s bio statement:
    SANI has changed my home in many ways I have seen the number of goats start increasing, we received three (1m, 2f) and now have two kids. We have managed to preserve some vegetables which has helped, and we have bean and cowpea leaves being preserved at a farm across the stream. As a member of a Care Group I have learned how to add soybeans and ground nuts to porridge. Fritters made of Cassava are also a good source of nutrition, I make these at home. I now know when you have a baby it is very important that you exclusively breast feed, and the first milk is very important. It is also important to always practice hygiene such as washing hands. My husband’s involvement has also changed. He attends the U5 clinic once a month which is where he learns about nutrition/gender programming. My husband didn’t used to help, but since the inception of the project he now fetches water, cooks meals, and cares for our children.
  • We also interviewed 68 year-old Mary Mwiche, a SANI Lead Farmer, at her homestead. She took us to her fields. Mary’s bio statement:
    Because of SANI I have seen an increase in my productivity which has helped me provide for other necessities. Now, in my household there is more of a variety of foods, which has led to a more diverse diet. I have three grandchildren who live with me, I have seen their growth improve because of the increased access to diverse foods in the household. The children used to be underweight, but now they are not and are shown to be growing well when taken for monitoring at their U5 appointment.
  • Finally, we interviewed 40-year old Daniel Chanda, a SANI Male Gender Champion, at his homestead. We met his wife and children. Daniel’s bio statement:
    My wife is involved in the Farmer Interest Livestock Group and Care Group, we have five children and the youngest is five. As a male champion, I learned many things. Including about the 1000 most critical days, the importance of iron, and promoting exclusive breast-feeding for the first six months of a baby’s life, and complementary feeding from the age of 6-24 months. I learned that drinking dirty water can make you sick, now we boil it. I also now want to improve our pit latrine because a permanent structure is better for our health. Along with this I learned about the negative effects of alcohol and drug abuse. Before I went for training with CARE, I was already helping my wife with cooking and cleaning but after the training I was able to do the work more easily. This is because I was able to actively promote to others why helping with house chores is important during pregnancy. Now I don’t worry about being laughed at, and I am not worried that people will think my wife has poisoned my mind. There has always been an influence from my mother-in-law who lives nearby. She didn’t like me performing feminine chores now she doesn’t say anything. I have reached out to ten men for the Male Action Group (MAG), it is quite difficult to reach out to men. However, when I use the daily activity clock, they realize how much more work women do.
  • All interview scripts are available upon request: tanja.kisslinger@care.ca